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AHS Building Committee Minutes 11/14/2006
November 14, 2006

The meeting was called to order at 7:35 a.m. by Chairman Hank Frey in the Selectmen's Chamber, Town Hall.  Members present:  Jeff Brighenti, James Eacott, Douglas Evans and John Papa.  

On a motion made by Mr. Brighenti, seconded by Mr. Evans, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the AHS Building Committee accept the minutes of October 12, 2006, with a spelling correction of one name.  
Messrs Frey, Brighenti, Eacott, Evans and Papa voted in favor.

Dr. Kisiel, Superintendent of Schools, reported we received notification from the State Department of Education of the increase by the 4.7 million dollars.   


A.      Architect - Status of the project.
Chuck Boos, Architect, reported Freddie Carrica heads up our construction administration division, and he will be the day to day person on site, except for Scott who will remain as the project manager/project architect.   He is pleased to see that the project started.  

Chairman Frey questioned the approvals for the signals. Architect Boos reported the light traffic signal in that particular configuration has to be designed and approved by the State Department of Transportation, and that has not been done.  Chairman Frey reported we have received that permit, we received a letter for that, that needs to be checked out.  The Town Manager reported we will go through the files.  

Architect Boos reported we have three proposals for the testing lab, and we recommend Plainville, IMPL, as the most responsive, and competitive testing lab.  We had experience with these people before and did check with FIP and they have no problem with it.  We recommend acceptance of their proposal.   Chairman Frey questioned who checks their testing process for steel strengths and soils erosion, and control of their service hours.  Architect Boos reported the numbers seem to be the most competitive and they responded in accordance with the RFP.  We feel the outfit in Plainville is going to be the most responsive to us for testing of the compact-ability of soils, as well as concrete, and other issues, we have a line item for it.

Architect Boos reported with regard to reimbursements, they can be quarterly, whether it be his company or FIP.

B.      Construction Manager - status of the project.
FIP reported the Avon Water Company land transfer has not been completed.  The Town Manager reported he will send a letter shortly regarding the process.  FIP reported regarding the structural steel for the gym, it will be delivered early January.  The Town Manager reported a private developer, Ferrigno, extended a sewer line to the firehouse, and we are requiring the firehouse to be connected with this project and we may be required to pay the developer a sum of money because he installed the line.  

Chairman Frey questioned whether FIP will be updating the Building Committee every month, and with project consultant updates every two weeks.  He questioned if the bid results were positive as in the past, or show differences.  FIP reported monthly reports will contain updates of all bids, including progress reported on all subs.  The breakdowns will contain multiples of items with dollar values.  The project updates will show where it stands - may spend more on one item but it will show plus or minus.  Chris will work with the General Contractors to put final documents together, contractors hold prices for 90 days, but negotiate with them in order to award contracts, since the referendum passed, to see whether they will hold. As far as actuals of line items wait and see if they hold, for the project.  We anticipate very little of these cost savings will dissipate over the length of the project. Line items may be savings of $100,000, but cost of items may result that all costs savings in different categories may show those savings overall.  Final contract value may be less than contract amount - if scope changes may increase, and may decrease overall.  Some changes may be allocated by contingency but we do not anticipate any of that at this time unless the scope changes.  You will see those changes in the cost reports.  Chairman Frey requested the committee be kept informed.  FIP reported they did expect to have to come before the committee for process of payments, for changes regarding the contract, change orders to Committee for approval.  No contingency to be used, only if necessary per Town Council, for bottom line, need special meeting, but for a small decision may be at the discretion of the Chairman.  As far as Project Reimbursement, Dr. Kisiel will be working and looking into that.  

The Town Manager reported at the next meeting the Assistant to the Town Manager, Blythe Robinson, will be the Town Representative to the Building Committee, to oversee and work on various parts of the Avon High School project.  While employed by another town she worked with FIP before, and is very familiar with the scope.  The Town Manager reported there is $50,000 under Soft Costs to pay Blythe Robinson for her services to the Building Committee.  *12/12/06 -correction added as follows: "It was the consensus of the Committee to add Discretionary Funds to the budget line items, in amount $5,000 at the discretion of the Chairman, for items such as the 3 sets of additional plans for Town Boards."

A.      Resignation letters - Robert Paine and Ann Dearstyne
It was the consensus of the Building Committee that the Chairman write a letter to Robert Paine and Ann Dearstyne, who recently resigned as members of the Building Committee.  
B.      Approval of Bills
On a motion made by Mr. Papa, seconded by Mr. Brighenti, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the AHS Building Committee approve payment in the amount of  $482,075.00 to FIP.
Members Frey, Brighenti, Eacott and Papa voted in favor.
On a motion made by Mr. Brighenti, seconded by Mr. Papa, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the AHS Building Committee approve payment in the amount of $1009.16 to Joseph Merritt & Company.
Members Frey, Brighenti, Eacott and Papa voted in favor.

C.      Various Correspondence - none

On a motion made by Mr. Evans, the meeting adjourned at 8:10 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Caroline B. LaMonica, Committee Rep

Attest: Betty J. Marsh